Wednesday, January 28, 2009

My creation

My creation
Originally uploaded by alaynastanislav
Me on a trading card. Not sure what to say about this really, except that I wish I hadn't put so many icons on there because they are blocking out the right half of my face.

Still, pretty cool application..

My creation

My creation
Originally uploaded by alaynastanislav
it's me, but puzzle-ized

Flickr & technology post

This technology could be used in the classroom in a few different ways. It seems like a good place to store instructional materials-- students could access the work on their own time, since Flickr can be made available for public viewing.

cute kitten

cute kitten
Originally uploaded by alaynastanislav
Here is my picture!

I chose a kitten because I like cats.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

social networking

I am a member of both myspace and facebook. I guess they are appealing because they are easy ways to keep track of other people. Facebook has an application that lists people's numbers and emails, so it lets me keep track (i.e. spy) on people I know.

It's just another way to keep in touch.

As far as the social networking sites go, Ning is kind of cool. A lot of the groups look very specialized which might be nice if you have very specific interests.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

First post

Not sure what to write here, but here's a post!