Wednesday, April 15, 2009


-Google documents is an application offered by Google that can create word processing documents, spreadsheets, and presentations. These can be saved in several different formats. Perhaps the defining feature of this program is that multiple users can share and edit documents at the same time.

-Some examples of social networking sites include Facebook and Myspace. These focus on connecting and building communities of people together and provide different ways to interact online. This leads to instant information and communication.

-RSS stands for Really Simple Syndication and is a collection of web feed formats which publish works that are frequently updated. People who want to subscribe to updates from websites or blogs benefit from RSS feeds because they alert the user when updates happen. It also downloads most available updates.

-A wiki is an article found in wikipedia, which is an online encyclopedia. Anyone can edit a wiki as long as they are able to access it. It is extremely popular for general reference and considered a good starting place for beginning research.

-Blog stands for web log. This is a type of website, generally maintained by only one individual, that is updated with regular entries including commentaries, event descriptions, or other material. Some are similar to online diaries and others include news updates and videos. There is no limit to what a person can write in a blog.

-Pod-casting is a collection of digital media files that is downloadable through web syndication. Special applications (such as itunes) can automatically identify new files that are compatible with the pod cast. These are then stored on the user’s computer.

-Youtube is a webste where users can upload, view and share different video clips. There are clips from a variety of sources: movies, radio, music video and even video blogging. Some is user generated.

-CMS stands for computer management system. Desire2Learn is an example of this - it is designed to facilitate learning in an educational setting. It can upload content, return work, collect grades, and communicate with large groups of people.

-Webquest: A web quest is a learning activity that educators use to read and interpret information found on the internet. There are specific steps that need to be taken to create a web quest-- an introduction, a description of what students will do, a list of what to do/how to do it, and a list of links needed to complete the activity.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

CMS prompt

Some features of Google Docs:

-Interactivity; allows multiple users to open/edit/share a text at the same time.
-Can upload other texts created from different systems.
-Can create documents, spreadsheets, presentations, databases, etc.
-Includes a calendar/photo section/reader.
-Can be accessed with mobile phones.
-Open documents are automatically saved but a revision history is kept.
-Can also tag/archive documents.


-User-centric, web-based platform for the delivery of online teaching and learning.
-Features customizable design, branding, and pedagogy.
-Can design/access quizzes, surveys, discussions, grades, and feedback.
-IMS compliant packages can be imported in bulk using the interface.
-There is also a feature which allows the user to create blog entries. These can be either private or public.
-There is a yearly price-- about 12$ per user.

Zoho vs. Google Docs

Zoho and Google Docs are similar types of programs overall. They both include tools for word processing, spreadsheets, presentations, databases, etc.

The one big difference I found between the two was that Google Docs allows the users to work and edit texts in real time. Documents can be shared, opened, and edited by multiple people at the same time. There is also an option to work using mobile phones.

Zoho is kind of interesting in that it has several different applications to create content or manipulate content created by different programs. They also have a facebook application.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009


1. I think the most interesting thing about the wiki concept is how accessible it is. Since anyone is allowed to edit it, wiki can draw upon information from many people in many different places. It is not limited to just the owner of the site or a few professionals. I also like that it specifically says what areas it needs people to add information to, and is constantly receiving more information.

2. I don't think wiki should be used as a primary source when writing papers. I do however think that it is a good starting place, and can point students in the right direction for research papers. Wiki also gives a good overview/background information of topics. But because "anyone" can add their input to wiki, it shouldn't be drawn upon for actual information.

3. I'll get back to this later.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

RSS feeds look like a good way to see what everyone is doing without having to constantly go to their blogs all the time. Instead, the feed should send me a notification whenever someone has a new post or comments on my own blog. This will keep all the information in a central location as well as keep me updated.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

My creation

My creation
Originally uploaded by alaynastanislav
Me on a trading card. Not sure what to say about this really, except that I wish I hadn't put so many icons on there because they are blocking out the right half of my face.

Still, pretty cool application..

My creation

My creation
Originally uploaded by alaynastanislav
it's me, but puzzle-ized

Flickr & technology post

This technology could be used in the classroom in a few different ways. It seems like a good place to store instructional materials-- students could access the work on their own time, since Flickr can be made available for public viewing.

cute kitten

cute kitten
Originally uploaded by alaynastanislav
Here is my picture!

I chose a kitten because I like cats.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

social networking

I am a member of both myspace and facebook. I guess they are appealing because they are easy ways to keep track of other people. Facebook has an application that lists people's numbers and emails, so it lets me keep track (i.e. spy) on people I know.

It's just another way to keep in touch.

As far as the social networking sites go, Ning is kind of cool. A lot of the groups look very specialized which might be nice if you have very specific interests.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

First post

Not sure what to write here, but here's a post!